So this is my asm2001 mp3 entry. Hope you like it (and I hope this gets played to the public also :)) cuz I've been working with this song for a long time. This song is kinda comprised of many parts... I haven't written a story or anything like some people do, but here's what the different parts are called: Preparing for a battle -> Lurking in the darkness -> Surprise attack -> The break of dawn -> Counter attack -> Furious battle When I composed this song I didn't think of anything, I just did it and later on I thought that it sounds like a "fantasy tune". While listening you should picture an army of [you-name-it]s getting ready for a battle, sharpening their blades and stuff. Then, when dusk falls they advance towards Enemy's village and attack. After the clash it's already morning and the [you-name-it]s have retreated. Rain starts to fall as the villagers move their fallen friends and relatives to [you-know-where]. Then the Enemy's army rushes to a counter attack, the two armies do battle and... Who wins? You decide. Hah. That's the result of reading too many fantasy books ;) You know, I've only read one fantasy book in my life (and that's Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien). So how's that for too much fantasy? :) Contact info: And if you're looking for TRACKED METAL: